FICA Pack (RMCP and 11 Forms)
Is your Property Practitioners Business and Employees (Estate Agent) FIC COMPLIANT?
Do you have the following to save you time and focus on selling and renting property:
These 11 Documents and the RMCP have been developed by a consultant and workshop presenter with property sales in her veins for more than 28 years. I have been with large companies, franchises and small companies. For the past two years, I am spending all my time putting back into the industry by doing consulting and workshops to assist the property industry to become and stay compliant with FICA, POPIA, PAIA, PPA, PPR (The PPRA on Audits & Trusts, Education, Code of Conduct, Inspection readiness) and soft skill training such as Negotiation, Mandates, Offer to Purchase, Disclosure forms, Clauses.
For any questions on FICA, POPIA, PAIA, PPA, PPR (The PPRA on Audits & Trusts, Education, Code of Conduct, Inspection readiness) and soft skill training such as Negotiation, Mandates, Offer to Purchase, Disclosure forms, Clauses contact me, Koti Steynberg at